festoon|festooned|festooning|festoons in English


[fes·toon || fe'stuːn]

decorate with chains of flowers (or leaves, etc.)

Use "festoon|festooned|festooning|festoons" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "festoon|festooned|festooning|festoons" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "festoon|festooned|festooning|festoons", or refer to the context using the word "festoon|festooned|festooning|festoons" in the English Dictionary.

1. His portraits festoon town.

2. Applicable to festoon system of port equipment.

3. The temples are festooned with lights.

4. Each pendent twig and leafy festoon was in a blaze.

5. Inlaid wood with gold leaf, carved with adornments, floral motifs and festoons.

6. The streets were festooned with banners and lights.

7. The hall was festooned with Christmas lights and holly.

8. The Sons can otherwise festoon their cars with rebel flags.

9. The margins of his notebook were festooned with doodles.

10. What good is half a wing, festooned with half- feathers?

11. Doors and chimneys are festooned with garlands of garlic.

12. Synonyms for Bejeweling include adorning, decorating, beautifying, embellishing, enriching, ornamenting, arraying, enhancing, festooning and garnishing

13. The entire vehicle was festooned with a bewildering array of kit.

14. Synonyms for Bejewelling include adorning, decorating, beautifying, embellishing, enriching, ornamenting, arraying, enhancing, festooning and garnishing

15. Synonyms for Bedizening include adorning, decorating, beautifying, embellishing, enriching, ornamenting, arraying, festooning, garnishing and gracing

16. Roguish fauns and naked nymphs peeked down at Billy from festooned cornices.

17. 19 synonyms for festoon: decorate, deck, array, drape, garland, swathe, bedeck, wreathe, Beribbon

18. 19 synonyms for festoon: decorate, deck, array, drape, garland, swathe, bedeck, wreathe, Beribbon

19. They felt free to festoon the machine with all sorts of loony filigrees.

20. They were no longer ruffled but were gathered up in scalloped festoons, showing braided petticoats beneath.

21. All the decorations were white and festoons of snowy lace-gushed from every appropriate appointment. Sentencedict.com

22. Synonyms for Bedecks include decorates, trims, adorns, arrays, embellishes, graces, ornaments, festoons, beautifies and decks

23. Synonyms for Bejewels include adorns, decorates, beautifies, embellishes, enriches, ornaments, arrays, enhances, festoons and garnishes

24. Malaga was festooned with banners and flags in honour of the king's visit.

25. Synonyms for Beribbon include festoon, decorate, deck, drape, adorn, array, trim, bedeck, ornament and swathe